We do not object to Mod developers continuing to share their amazing content, subject to the following: We have a long tradition of supporting creativity in our community. You should use Mods with caution and understand there may be risk. The Sims team doesn’t pre-screen, endorse or specifically support any particular Mod. For that reason, we support a framework in The Sims 4 that makes it easier for you to install and use Mods. We know that for many of you, Mods are an important part of your game experience. This includes both Custom Content and Game Mods. Mods: A blanket term referring to any player-made content for the game.

For example: a new trait, new console cheats, objects with new functionality, new UI functionality, etc. These Mods may include script code, but not always.

Game Mods: These are Mods that add features or change the functionalities of the game.

For example: new hair, new clothing, new furniture, etc. Sometimes just referred to in The Sims community as “CC”. Custom Content: This is the addition of player-made clothing or objects to the game.:) Thank You too u/meeeeeeeeeeeeep For giving the instructions eventhough i have tried ur steps too before my friend explained to me.Learn about The Sims policy towards Mods, when Mods are disabled, and how to safely re-enable Mods. :)Īfter Hours Of Worrying about this finally got the way. After u put one of the cc u have, closed that and restart ur game back and ur cc should be there. Like the sims 4 that had mods folder or the one that has dlc? and like move it to desktop like that? Sorry i just new about this and its my first time experiencing this.Įdit: After following my friend instructions turns out that i need to delete my sims 4 file on document then restart my game and new file will generate then after that i add the CC that i have been backing up (make sure u backup anything u do in ur game even if its cc or anything) then open back ur game and Clicked 'OPTIONS' and go to 'OTHERS' and clicked 'ENABLED MODS' after that exit ur games and go to documents and add one cc that u have download before while u do that There is One white file called RESOURCE.CFG just leave this file there dont try to disturb it.